El proceso para la construcción de muros de hormigón perforado consiste
en: definir el diseño de las perforaciones, en este caso los patrones se
han dibujado partiendo de dos algoritmos que permiten controlar la
posición, el tamaño, el ángulo de desviación y la posición relativa
entre círculos. Una vez establecido el patrón deseado se recortan los
huecos sobre las tablas de encofrado, que posteriormente se montan en
paralelo dejando la separación del grueso del muro, y manualmente se
disponen los tubos los huecos, completada esta fase se vierte el
hormigón tipo autocompactante y armado con fibras de acero de 10mm x
0.1mm In this project we investigated the architectural potential of
perforations in a 1:1 building element. After several design studies and
the manufacture of prototypes from polystyrene panels, two walls were
realised in concrete. The individual holes could be controlled in terms
of four parameters: their position, the angle of their deflection from
the surface, their rotation about their centre, and their size. Their
distribution on the wall could be designed through globally acting
forces of attraction and repulsion; a dynamic system oriented the holes
against one another until a state was reached in which there was no
overlap. The deflection from the surface and the size of the holes, on
the other hand, were controlled via the colour values of a digital image
file. These algorithmic tools offered the students an intuitive route
into design, and were used to complement the programming of their own
logics of distribution and orientation. (via Hormigón perforado. Arquitectura e investigación « Solucionesespeciales-Blog